Workshop on 29th April 2008
At IWMI Auditorium, 127 Sunil Mawatha, Pellawatte, Battaramulla
The Ministry of Healthcare & Nutrition, the Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage, IWMI, IFRC/SEI, UNICEF and IOM are hosting a workshop to obtain consensus on how ecological sanitation options could contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, in Sri Lanka.
It is intended that the workshop will have very definite outcomes and will be the first stage in a process of implementing sustainable sanitation options as a means to effectively meet the challenges of the MDGs. It is therefore expected that as a result of the workshop the following objectives would be achieved:
- Participating organizations will have a better appreciation of the ecological sanitation concept;
- Government will endorse the acceptance of the ecological sanitation concept;
- Participants are aware of the role they and others will play in ecological sanitation; and
- Participants will reach consensus on the key steps in taking ecological sanitation forward and relevant responsibilities will be understood.